I need to explain a few things.
Firstly you have to question the political and social beliefs that you thought were facts.
You have to unlearn some of these beliefs because they are not facts but things that you are programmed to consider as facts without question.
To run through the basics.
1)The far left and the far right of the political spectrum are the same.If you think of the spectrum as a circle no matter which way you go left or right you end up in the same place.
Nazis are no different from communists. Nazis were/are national socialists and communists are socialist socialists-the common word is socialist.
2)The BNP are not nazis they are nationalists,the Labour party are socialists ,the Lib dems are socialists.The Conservatives have drifted left so far from their traditional position to now also being socialists.
3)Elections are a shame because all the parties despite what they may say all stand against freedom ,democracy and a small state.
4)All the main parties and leaders are pro EU.Anyone anti Europe will never get the chance to lead a main party .
By voting for Labour,Lib Dems or Conservatives you are voting for a slightly different brand of pro European socialism.
Now you have to also appreciate that
1)The third sector and government overlap substantially with the overlap being filled by quangos and pseudo quangos with charitable status
2)The third sector may include charities but a large portion are pseudo qungos with charitable status (see below).
3)The defintion of a charity has changed to include many political organisations that are not charities in the way we think of charities.
4)The third sector/quangos have an enormous influence over the way supposedly democratic organisations like councils operate.
5)The third sector and quangos are riddled with politically appointed pro EU socialist placemen.
We also have organisations like Common Purpose who have been perfectly described as the "glue" that keeps it all together and makes sure that everyone sings from the same socialist, fabian pro European songsheet.
At the bottom we have the EU using political parties,quangos ,pseudo quangos with charitable status and common purpose as conduits through which it can direct its poison to the heart
of the country to kill off freedom and democracy.Once freedom and democracy is dead we end up with a totalitarian communist organisation named the EU moving into the vacuum.
Common purpose talk about planning for the post democratic age which gives you a pretty big hint that democracy is not included in the game plan.
The country is going down the pan because thats part of the plan.The public havnt looked up from their TVs and computers for long enough to realise that we are at war and should be fighting for our survival rather than watching strictly X factor Jeremy Kyle gots talent.Unfortunately because its not a hot war we are not prepared and havnt even realised that the war has started.
The enemy we face is not using force or military hardware it is using our own minds against us in order to infiltrate or invade if you like our country and our institutions.Undermining a country using frankfurt school subversion techniques is not a war that we recognise but it is a war just the same.
Just imagine if you will a few armed people waving the EU flag turning up at every council and government office in the country saying they were in charge now and everyone had to obey them or face the consequences.Would we all just stand around watching them tear down our flags and replace them with the EU stars.Would we stand around taking orders from foreign soldiers and help them take us over without a fight.Would we allow fifth columnists and collaborators to come out of the woodwork to rule over us and watch over us to make sure we obey.
We like to think of us as being at our best when our back is to the wall but what we have failed to notice is that our enemy is already surrounding us and all the wall does is hide those enemies behind it who are ready to ambush us at the first opportunity.
In short we are all fucked unless we all wake up pretty damn soon.
I will continue with this using examples and names being named but for now just turn the telly off for a few days,dont buy any papers and do your own research.Its all there if you know where to look.