"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" Views and opinions of blogger Captain Swing on the trials and tribulations of living in modern day Britain .Fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of living for the downtrodden British people.Born free,live free be free.
Captains Search
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Woolwich Attack - Defend yourself because no one else will.
Look at this picture-it is what symbolises Britain in 2013
A young man going about his business is first run over and then hacked to death by a couple of foreign islamist assailants shouting Allah Akhbar (or some such religious shit) wielding meat cleavers , knives and a handgun. After killing the poor bloke they then hold informal press conferences with the people standing around watching and recording on their phones so they can upload to Loo Tube.
After 20 minutes the Police decide to arrive and take down both attackers wounding them.
Attackers are taken to hospital in an Air Ambulance.
Later in the day protests by EDL are met with an instant Police response who set about cracking heads.
What the fuck is wrong with this country. Its bad enough that a young soldier gets attacked on the street because of the job he does but for fucks sake what is wrong with the people who just stand around and record the horror without making any effort to help .The only person with any guts was a brave lady who confronted one of the animals whilst everyone else carried on recording.
As for the Police they just stood back and did nothing for 20 minutes. I really cannot understand why the first Police on the scene didn't weigh up the situation and at least attempt to do something -it was probably too late for the Soldier but what about protecting the public(not that many of them deserve protecting).
When seconds count the Police are 20 minutes away.
It sickens me to the pit of my stomach that someone can be slaughtered on the streets of London like this.
It sickens me even further that no one came to his aid or even attempted to do something for him.
The attackers are subhuman scum and I hope they die a very long and painful death but to those that stood around and watched yet did nothing -you are scum as well and I hope you live a long life and this haunts you for every waking and sleeping hour.
Clearly if you are in trouble don't expect the public to help you and the Police might turn up at some point .If no one else is going to protect us and our family then we must have the means to protect ourselves .
I have never understood why law abiding individuals that are considered responsible enough to own a shotgun or rifle are not considered responsible to own and carry a handgun.
We the law abiding majority demand our right to defend ourselves by any means we see fit -we want our handguns back. See @LegaliseHandgun on twitter.
Woolwich attack
Monday, 13 May 2013
Establishment plans to attack UKIP using Hope not Hate.
Hate not Hope or is it Hope not Hate, I am not sure, are looking to start campaigning against UKIP.
HnH is fronted by communist Gerry Cable and has the support of many in the Labour Party and is funded(like Labour) by the unions and the far left.
Coincidence or not -after UKIP made huge gains in the local elections HnH crawls out from under the proverbial stone to attack them .Lets face it Labour are in as much trouble over the rise of UKIP as the con servatives and the limp dems.Ed Millipede faces many labour voters moving over to UKIP especially now he has totally ruled out a referendum on EU membership .Typically the lefties resort to underhand name calling when they have lost the argument .
I include Clegg/ Cameron and the rest of the rabidly pro europe brigade in the conservative/limp dem coalition as also being lefties and I am sure they are as happy as Ed Millipede to try and take the shine off the success of UKIP by any means, fair or foul.
In effect far left pressure group HnH is labelling a quarter of the electorate as fascists which is rich considering they themselves are more fascist than the supposed fascists they oppose.
Lets not forget also that searchlight/HnH head Cable is also chair to a Met Police Advisory group and is definitely part of the establishment .HnH is being used as an attack dog by the established parties/establishment to discredit UKIP with the hope of stalling their rise in the polls.
People must realise that this is their only chance to rid Britain of the ConLibLab troika that has done so much damage to this country over the last 2 decades (if not longer).
By supporting the only party that will guarantee an in/out referendum you are supporting the best chance for a free trading independent Britain .Support any other party and you are just voting for more Europe and more of the same.
gerry cable,
hate not hope,
hope not hate,
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Bilderberg 2013 will be held in Watford .
Gun Control from an American Perspective.
The British public lost their right to self defence years ago- only the criminals and the criminal state enforcers have the weapons.
Saint Barry O Bummer is now looking to take the guns off the American public despite the right to bear arms being enshrined in their constitution.
This is why that may be a good idea... for the crims.
barry o bummer,
gun control,
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Committee of 300 -conspiracy or conspiracy theory?
Is a group of 300 people who view themselves as the world elite responsible for all that is happening in the world today.Global warming,banking crisis,energy crisis,population crisis,famine, foreign wars etc etc-could these all be part of their big plan. Look up "Committee of 300" and make up your own mind whether this could be real or just another " conspiracy theory".
Before consigning it all to the tin foil hat brigade just consider that if this had even an element of truth about it would the 300 or whoever just put up their hands and say "yep your right were busted" -I think not.
To help you in your search for "enlightenment" here is a list of the alleged 300.
Then listen to the you tube clips here from Alex Jones(not the welsh bird on the telly) speaking to Dr John Coleman about this very subject.
Here are a couple of things you may find interesting.
In the Committee of 300, which has a 150-year history, we have some of the most brilliant intellects assembled to form a completely totalitarian, absolutely controlled "new" society only it isn't new, having drawn most of its ideas from the Clubs of Cultus Diabolicus. It strives toward a One World Government rather well described by one of its late members, H. G. Wells, in his work commissioned by the Committee which Wells boldly called: "The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution
"Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves." --Walter Rathenau, 1909.
Conspiracy or conspiracy theory?
alex jones,
captain swing,
committee of 300,
conspiracy theory,
John coleman,
world government
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
ChunkyMarks update on Cyprus.
Couldnt have put it better myself.
captain swing.,
Dijsselbloem-mad,bad or just a lowlife criminal.
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Wanted for theft and country raping. |
One of the thiefs that are stealing money from Cypriots on behalf of his criminal organisation employer thinks its generally a good idea and will be coming for you and your money soon.
Let him know what you think of that on twitter
Just because they wear a suit doesnt mean they are any better than any other lowlife crim scumbag.
The spin seems to be that anyone who has more than 100,000 mickey mouse euros in the bank is a criminal indulging in money laundering and deserves to lose it .Strangely this state of affairs didnt prevent Cyprus being accepted with open arms into the Euro by the real criminal money launderers
in the EUssr.It seems to be that EUssr (criminal organisation) wanted its cut of the alleged ill gotten gains of a few by stealing from the many.
Get your money out of any Eurozone banks NOW-tomorrow may be too late.
This could all get very ugly very quickly.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Epic Rant on the Cyprus Money Grab.
George Osborne on Twitter waiting for your suggestions.
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Twat. |
George Osborne is on twitter now waiting for your suggestions on his next step towards bankrupting this country and getting his hands on your savings.
Get over there pronto and let him know what you think before Hugh (lowlife taxi blowjob) Grant makes that a crime under levesons common purpose media regulator.
captain swing,
george osborne,
Saturday, 16 March 2013
The money grab from private accounts has begun.
The fascists of the EU have now set a precedent by grabbing money direct from private bank accounts in Cyprus.
Euro-area finance ministers agreed to an unprecedented tax on Cypriot bank deposits as officials unveiled a 10 billion-euro ($13 billion) rescue plan for the country, the fifth since Europe’s debt crisis broke out in 2009.
Read the full story here.
Of course we can all sleep in our beds because Cyprus is a long way off and that sort of thing just wouldnt happen here -would it.
Well dont settle down too much because there are already rumblings from the Bank of
Then we have all the money given to the banks so they didnt go bust and you have a figure of about
£16000 per person debt for every person in the country.How tempting will it be now the precedent has been set to just grab that money direct from savers bank account in Britain overnight as has happened in Cyprus and how easy would it be to do so now many of the Banks in Britain are nationalised.
Better to act now and get your money out of the nationalised banks before you wake up one morning and find that your savings have been plundered to the tune of 10,20,30,40,50% all in the name of the "greater good".
Remember-cash is good but gold is better.
captain swing.,
money grab
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Vladimir Putins Speech 4/2/13 Re minorities in Russia.
February 4th, 2013, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the
Duma (Russian Parliament).
He gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in
"In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in
Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the
Russian laws. If they prefer Shari â a Law, then we advise them to go to those
places where that's the state law. Russia does not need minorities. Minorities
need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our
laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We
better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we
are to survive as a nation.
The Russian customs and traditions are not
compatible with the lack of
or the primitive ways of most minorities. When this honourable legislative body
thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the national interest first,
observing that the minorities are not Russians.
politicians in the Duma gave Putin a standing ovation for five
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Think Freedom.
Are there any politicos out there that actually undertsand the rightful relationship ,in a supposed free democracy between them as public servants and the public who they are supposed to serve.
From Cameron and Clegg to councillors at the local level they all behave as if they have a right to pursue any course of action no matter how unpopular on the basis that a few people put a cross on a piece of paper every few years.
They all need to realise that a vote is no more than a vote to be a representative of the people.Clearly this hasnt sunk in with politicians because they seem to view themselves as being special with an unquestioning entitlement to swan around doing the bidding of their political masters rather than the bidding of the people . A truly representative system would have prevented us ever joining the EU because the British people never wanted it but were conned by kiddy fiddler traitor Heath into "its just a common market"This was viewed by the political classes across the spectrum as cart blanche to give this country away to the German/French axis of evil.
Single sex marriages,open door immigration,climate change bollocks,human rights are just a handful of subjects that would never have developed beyond the minds of some lunatic lefty had the peoples views and opininions been represented by the politicos.Most people want to be left alone in a safe and peaceful country free to strive and provide for their family as they see fit.The majority of people have no interest in shirt lifters getting married and certainly never gave anyone the mandate to turn a country that was doing pretty well for itself in the 60s into the multicultural third world shithole it is fast becoming.
Freedom is not living under a system of government whose main agenda is the control of the minds and bodies of the population.We are the masters of our own destiny-if we as a majority want out of the EU then that is what should happen with no arguments from greasy politicians.Once the people have spoken the political classes only job is to enact that will as quickly and efficiently as posssible regardless of their own warped socialist ideology of big governemnt ruling over little people.
How much better would we all be if the country was run as a true bottom up democracy rather than the top down up the bottom sham democracy we have today.If the political scum that have ruined our lives over the last 50 years were kicked out and replaced by true representatives of the will of the people of these lands then we would be on the road to a truly free democratic system of government that benefits the people rather than a self appointed elite.
It needs to be appreciated that politicians , judges etc are not special people(special needs maybe) just people like you and me given a position that involves serving us .There are people much more intelligent than the losers and senile old duffers that reside in the halls of power and the courts and there are certainly millions of people with more common sense.
With a free democratic system in place we could then also replace the farce that is the judicial system into something that genuinely protects the majority from loss or harm caused by the minority , something that the "law" as it is today has never managed.
Even at a local level this attitude prevails with councillors thinking that we are just here to let them dip into our pockets when they see fit and just be good little drones working hard to pay off their debts rather than provide for our own.
To achieve a low tax small state free representative democracy with common law at its heart is not impossible .Unfortunately there would be no place for the current bunch of politicos and their allies and hangers on but hey who cares -they have never cared about us so why should we worry about them.
Freedom starts with a state of mind -once you realise you are equal to anyone else in this world regardless of their name badges showing king, queen,judge,prime minister,councillor then you are well on the way to achieving freedom of mind.Everything becomes that much clearer when you appreciate this-it also makes life a whole lot more fun when you talk to people who think they are above you in the same manner you would your neighbour.Public servants crave your respect and obedience-give them neither whilst remaining polite and they will have nothing because without your informed consent they are nothing.
Think freedom.
capt swing,
common law,
lawful rebellion
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Merkels Fourth Reich.
One for my Greek friends who are living under the yoke of Merkels Fourth Reich.
Greece fallen,Italy fallen,Ireland fallen,Spain fallen,Portugal fallen- all without a shot being fired.
France next?
Lets get out now rather than tying ourselves to the corpse that is the EU.
fourth reich,
PIGS countries,
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Gun Deaths V NHS Deaths.
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Deadly Killer. |
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Skorpion SMG. |
On average there are about 50 gun deaths every year in the UK.Despite the fact that most of these deaths are as a result of illegally held firearms it has not stopped the neo communist socialists from proposing even more draconian restrictions on legal gun posession. It has been proposed that partners and ex partners should be asked whether a person is a suitable person to own a gun.Like all things these days its actually about control rather than safety-the powers that be dont want the public to own firearms because it makes them feel uncomfortable that the plebs may have the means to fight back in a freedom vs oppression type conflict situation.
Even if they banned the private ownership of all firearms the number of gun deaths would never go much below this figure because no self respecting boy from da hood would settle a score with rivals using an over/under shotgun or a .22 rifle.Weapons of choice for the criminal classes are all illegal to hold anyway so changing the rules for legal gun owners is not going to bother said boyz one little bit.
If you are intent on criminal gun carnage are you really likely to go along to plod and dutifully fill out the forms to get a weapon inferior in everyway to the Skorpion or MAC10 that can be obtained from certain areas of most large cities in the UK for a couple of hundred quid-no questions asked.
I think not.
50 deaths a year works out a less than one a week across the whole country of 60 million plus people.
Lets look at another statistic shall we.Over the last 2 years by the governments own dodgy figures
4200 people have died prematurely in only 5 NHS(or should that be NDS -D being Death) trusts across the country.4200 people have died or in effect killed but no one-not even the communist in charge of the NHS has faced any action-criminal or otherwise.
To put it simply you would need 80 years of average annual gun deaths for the entire UK to come anywhere near the number of people killed off by the NHS in just 5 locations across the country in just 2.
captain swing journal,
gun deaths,
national death service,
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Reds- in the bed since 1989.
The NHS run by a communist and turned into a death service.
Horsemeat on our table.
Open door immigration.
The economy imploding.
Taxes going through the roof.
Small businesses going bust at a rate not seen before.
Reliant on Russian gas and Chinese nuclear know how to keep the lights on.
The armed forces fighting futile wars overseas whilst being cut to the bone.
Living under Police state conditions.
Thought crimes and pre crimes.
Families undermined.
Corruption in high and low places.
This is living in Britain 2013 but how have we got here.
In the 19th century Britain was the first global superpower.The British empire spanned the globe but it was an Empire built on trade with other nations.Unlike Spain and France our trade was a two way process whereby we provided countries with a modern infrastructure using British technology and we got raw materials and commodities in return.
This continued into the 20th Century when we still had the capability and wealth to fight two global wars in the space of 20 years .
Fast forward through the 50s to the 60s when British technology was at its peak and the country was doing pretty well for itself.
In the 70s the communists of the trade union movement starting kicking off and Heath sold us down the river to be shackled within a european common market in return for a yacht and an endless supply of young boys from childrens homes across the country.
The 80s saw Margaret Thatcher trying to hold the line against europe but ultimately failing when she got ousted by the europhiles and peadophiles within her own party.
The actual date we can pinpoint as the the turning point for Britain which meant we ended up taking the road marked communism rather than freedom was 1989.Whilst we were all watching the Berlin wall come down and the "fall" of communism across europe we took our eyes off the ball.Looking back it seems strange that left leaning and communist organisations like the Unions Labour Party and the BBC were celebrating the failure of the doctrine of communist that they admired so much. When communists and socialist alike celebrated the downfall of communism and socialism in foreign lands we should have all smelt a rat rather than swallowing the "death of communism" line hook line and sinker.
Naive doesnt begin to describe the fact that we all believed that all those authoritarian communists in eastern europe suddenly overnight became freedom loving capitalists.In fact what happened was that europe was flooded with hard line communists looking to further their war against the "evil" US and Britain.
They all found a nice home within Western Europe and gravitated to the eu where their hardline attitudes were actively encouraged. Before long the communist Eastern Europe that we thought had gone was merely replaced by a similarly communist structure that stretched from the North Sea to the border of Russia. The eussr was born and from that point on it was open season on the Brits and Yanks.When it was clear that Britain and the USA were not going to join the global communist party it was decided to undermine the only 2 countries that were standing in the way.
Using techniques perfected by the East during the Cold War it was decided to attack the UK/USA from inside by appointing communists to positions of power within all the main sectors of government and implement the plan from within.With typical East German efficiency it was completed much quicker than anticipated.Within 20 years the UK/USA had been isolated and weakened to such an extent that their industrial capacity has been eliminated and moved to communist China whilst at the same time their joint military muscle has been reduced to a state never seen before.
Now in 2013 those communists that were inserted into all levels of life within this country and the US have now risen like scum to the top.In this country we have had communist Blair replaced by communist Brown who was replaced by communist Cameron backed up by communist Clegg.The badge they wear may change but their political allegiance is most definitely socialist/communist.
So in 2013 we have a blue communist party in charge of this countries decline and America has a
socialist Kenyan in charge of its decline.
It can all be traced back to 1989 .The year is remembered as the date communism fell in Europe when in fact it was the date communism spilled out and contaminated the whole world.If in doubt
research just a few politicians from all parties and senior Police Officers/local officials and see how many of them are actually "ex" communist members or socialist placemen.
1989 -the year it all changed and the year a communist named Julia Middleton came from nowhere with a couple of million in her pocket and started common purpose.
captain swing,
Common Purpose,
Thursday, 24 January 2013
You Gov or EU Gov ?
I say Bollocks. Bollocks because this survey asked only 1900 people out of an adult population of 40,000000 plus.Such a small sample size makes this poll a load of bollocks.
Bollocks also because Peter Kellner is married to Communist and ex CND member Cathy Ashton who holds one of the most senior yet unelected positions in the EU without doing a days work in her life.
No conflict of interest there then.
YouGov or EU Gov is just one part of a huge psyops mission funded by the EU to alter public opinion and to smear UKIP and particularly Nigel Farage.
Read the "POLL" here.
cathy ashton,
eu gov,
peter kellner,
you gov
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Breaking news-Helicopter crashes in London.
A helicopter has crashed in central London today after hitting a crane on top of a tower block by the River Thames.2 confirmed dead.
More here
Saturday, 12 January 2013
Met Office-Institutional Liars.
According to the Met Office, UK has just had the second wettest year on record, just behind 2000. These claims, however, are based on records dating back to 1910. The Met Office also keep a rainfall series for England & Wales, which date back to 1766, and these cast a slightly different light on the matter.
Take the time to read the entire article by Paul Homewood on Watts Up With That blog about how the Met Office claim that this year will be the second wettest on record is a load of rubbish.
Its a bit heavy going in places but expertly written and well worth investing 10 or 15 minutes or so to read the article thoroughly and the comments at the end. The Met Office did finally admit over Christmas that there is no evidence of global warming and no warming has been detected for the last 12 years which begs the question .. If there was no warming detected even using their computer models designed to produce an upward trend pretty much regardless of what you put in doesnt that mean that if anything there must have been cooling over that period.They have been trying to convince us that global warming was a big issue when in reality the earth has been cooling-that would shoot a huge hole in their theory of AGW wouldnt it.
Click here for article.
captain swing,
met office,
paul homewood,
rainfall record,
watts up with that
Sussex Police actively protected Jimmy SaVile from prosecution-why?
It just gets worse.
Sussex Police Officers actively discouraged victims of Jimmy SaVile from pursuing their complaint on the grounds that he was famous/he had good lawyers etc.The disturbing truth is that JS was never going to be arrested/charged by Sussex Police or any other Police force in the country because he was one of them.when I say one of them I dont mean a Policy officer I mean one of THEM- a Mason.
In reply to the findings..."Deputy chief Constable Giles York, from Sussex Police, said that “experienced and committed” officers had “acted in good faith” but the force “could have done better.
Jesus H Christ-Thats the understatement of the year they "could have done better"-my dog could have done a better job than Sussex Police but once you realise that JS was a Mason then you realise how it all works.Sussex Masonic Police protects their own even if their own is a disgusting child molesting bastard who even abused a dying kid in a hospice.
Its widely known that most Police forces are rotten to the core with masons/common purpose etc etc but who in their wildest dreams would believe that the Police would protect a kiddy fiddler from prosecution by bullying the alleged victim.Makes you wonder though whether something akin to the child abuse ring in Belgium is going on here with members of the Police,Politicians,Judges etc all part of a high level paedo ring with someone like JS as the ring leader.
captain swing,
jimmy savile,
Sussex Police
Friday, 4 January 2013
Hilary Clinton actually injured in C12 crash?
Is this bloke a nutter or was Hilary Clinton actually injured in a C12 Huron aircraft crash in Iran 3 weeks ago? Navy Seal was also killed supposedly. Definitely more to this than meets the eye.
Read More
A C12 is actually a military version of a Beechcraft turboprop aircraft-not a helicopter.
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