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Saturday, 12 January 2013

Met Office-Institutional Liars.

According to the Met Office, UK has just had the second wettest year on record, just behind 2000. These claims, however, are based on records dating back to 1910. The Met Office also keep a rainfall series for England & Wales, which date back to 1766, and these cast a slightly different light on the matter.

Take the time to read the entire article by Paul Homewood on Watts Up With That blog about how the Met Office claim that this year will be the second wettest on record is a load of rubbish.
Its a bit heavy going in places but expertly written and well worth investing 10 or 15 minutes or so to read the article thoroughly and the comments at the end. The Met Office did finally admit over Christmas that there is no evidence of global warming and no warming has been detected for the last 12 years which begs the question .. If there was no warming detected even using their computer models designed to produce an upward trend pretty much regardless of what you put in doesnt that mean that if anything there must have been cooling over that period.They have been trying to convince us that global warming was a big issue when in reality the earth has been cooling-that would shoot a huge hole in their theory of AGW wouldnt it.

Click here for article.

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