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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Dont like the result- get them to vote again!

Shall we try again and get them to keep voting until we get the right result.

E petition link

EU membership-Our Way or the Highway.

How committed are the 81 conservative rebels who voted against the whip last night I wonder.They have it in their power to deliver a body blow to the euronazis in the 3 pro EU parties which would also result in a the electorate having a say on this matter in the form of the much wanted and needed referendum.
The solution is simple-if these MPs want to give us a referendum then all they need to do is resign and bring down the government thus bringing on a referendum in the form of a general election.The 81 can join UKIP on the out of europe side leaving the 2 main parties (the lib dems are finished whatever happens) having to fight an election pledging to ignore the democratic will of the people and stay in Europe under the current terms.
With Labour and the Conservatives leaders showing their yellowish  true colours and the Lib Dems proving themselves a busted flush the only option at the next election is to vote UKIP regardless of your political leaning.One thing is for certain and that is we will have our say on this matter whether it is a referendum or a general election.Cameron,Milliband and Clegg need to know that they cannot choose when democracy applies and when it doesnt .We the electorate vote for people to represent us in Parliament and it has to be understood that when over 50% of the people want our relationship with the EU changed it is either our way or the highway.
There is talk of another e petition being set up to get another vote but sadly that is never going to work.The only democratic solution is for the 81 to resign and trigger an election.There are other options which involve undemocratic means but given that we appear to no longer living in a democracy then the option of civil unrest must be firmly on the cards .If its good enough for the Libyans then why not us.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Demos wants to stifle free thought.

Picked this up from Infowars.

Does anyone else find this report a bit strange. Demos wants youngsters to think critically about what they discover on the web but not to think critically about what they are being taught/brainwashed by the establishment.Pot, kettle, black or just panic in the face of a widespread awakening among the plebs as to how society really works.If its the latter as I suspect then we have really got them on the run.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Just say NO.

If you had asked anyone 15 years ago whether we lived in a free society most people including myself would have said yes.
At that time everyone did exactly what they were told,questioned nothing and when told to jump by the powers that be  just wanted to know how high that would be.To suggest that perhaps what we perceived as freedom was nothing more than a game whereby we were the worthless pawns to be manipulated and sacrificed by others was akin to suggesting that the earth was flat and the moon made of cheddar.

Being an awkward sod at the best of times I have always been a why man rather than a yes man.If I was told that I couldnt do something or say something I would always say why .

Fast forward 15 years and the general attitude has changed .Many people now understand that we are just characters in the great game of life but more importantly are aware that we can change the character we play in life and a few brave individuals have even opted to not play the game any more.

Although I have not yet gone down the full freeman route I have changed from a why man to a no man.Saying no is so easy and so liberating on a personal level but oh so confusing for those state drones that cannot comprehend someone who just says no .
Read Captain Ranty to get some idea  how powerful the simple act of refusing to play by their rules can be even if dealing with the states statute enforcement squad.

So if you want to be truly free just say NO and work towards throwing the game of life out of your life forever.